Saturday, September 27, 2008

I know, I know

We are falling behind with this blogging thing! Sorry!

Ok, so this is going to be short because currently I am sitting in a hotel room getting ready to go to breakfast. You are probably thinking "o sweet Gabe took Kara for a little time away..." but not the case this time. We are having one of our staff retreats for church and we always do a Friday-Saturday thing. Dinner last night was awesome and we are really getting alot of stuff accomplished.

I just wanted to check in and say that we are still around just had a busy week. Wednesday I went to my doctors appointment only to realize it is NEXT week. haha Pregnancy brain is in full effect-more on this story later.

Also, last night I had my first dream about Olivia. It was so neat. I remember staring directly in her face and trying to figure out who she looked more like. She was such a neat combination of Gabe and I. But she was BEAUTIFUL! Now I know this was just a dream but I think God lets you see little bits to help with patience. :) That face alone in that dream makes me want to work extra hard to get her nursery together. Here is the bedding I ordered...

what do u think? Anyone who knows me knows I love a sale. When I saw this and I loved it AND it was on sale-whoa that did it for me! haha

Ok must get ready now but I will be back later with more ideas for the nursery-don't get too excited!!

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