This post is going to be short and sweet but with lots of pictures. I have come to find that most people just want to see the cutest little boy in the world--and I don't blame you. I can't tell you how many hours Gabe and I have spent just staring at him. I know we are probably a little biased but we tend to think he is the cutest thing we have ever laid eyes on.
Our little buddy was one week old yesterday! His umbilical cord fell off on Sunday night at bath time. Mommy got a little misty eyed when I thought about what that little piece of flesh signified. That was Isaiah's lifeline while he was in my womb and now at not only a week old it had fallen off. So strange! I can see now why people say cherish every moment. I told Gabe last night that it seems like he was just born yesterday but at the same time I do not remember life without him.
Okay--now on to the pictures...
Isaiah's first bottle (I am breastfeeding but really wanted Gabe to have the opportunity to bond with his son--he does about 2 of the feedings a day)
Isaiah LOVES his swing!
I want to also say thankyou to every single person that has taken time out of their lives to be apart of this last week. Gabe and I have been amazed at how many people have come to meet our new addition. We have the MOST amazing family and friends. Gabe's parents are headed out to meet their grandson this Sunday and we are SO pumped! Isaiah keeps asking me when Mima and Gramps will get here!!!
Stay tuned for more pictures.