Tuesday, March 24, 2009

still here...

Sorry for the lack of posting. Isaiah and I are just trying to figure each other out! Isaiah is growing so long these days. I cannot believe he is 5 weeks old! Here are a few pictures until I can write a longer post.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3 weeks..

Well soon I will hopefully start blogging more then once a week. Right now though I am just trying to remember to shower and brush my teeth! haha Its not THAT bad...yet!

Isaiah is growing so fast. This week I feel like we are really starting to get a little routine as a family down. Gabe and I are loving every minute with our little dude. Here are a few pics from the last week.

Oh and before I forget here are some shots of me and my preggie belly. These were taken 2 days before Isaiah entered the world. It is SO weird to look back at me with my big belly even though it was less then a month ago!

My AWESOME friend Pam came over on Monday and took some professional shots of Isaiah so I will get those posted soon for his 3 week pictures. She got some amazing shots and I can't wait to share them with you.

Monday, March 2, 2009

2 weeks already??

I cannot believe that my son has been with us for 2 weeks already-that is half a month! We are trying to get into a routine and Isaiah is not getting the memo that most people (including his mom and dad) enjoy sleeping when it is dark outside. He likes to just hang out from about 4 am until 8 am and then when its time for the rest of the world to wake up he decides to head back to sleep. He rules the roost around our household!

Gabe's parents are in town and Isaiah is soaking up all the kisses and hugs. He is such a charmer. I swear he has never thrown a fit when there is company here-he knows how to work it. It just cracks me up because when it is just me and him he has no problem putting his vocal pipes to work.

Our little boy is officially outgrowing all of his preemie clothes and now fits into newborn sizes. He is just so long! The newborn outfits are a little big but fit perfectly length wise. I think we are going to have a basketball player on our hands.

Isaiah has begun to stay awake a lot longer after his feedings and just gaze at everything. Since I am using my blog to track our little mans life I wanted to start making lists of things he likes and doesn't like. Sorry if this bores you but if you haven't noticed already I am pretty much obsessed with the little man.

*laying on his Bobby and just looking around
*being held against anyone's chest
*loud noises (anything loud and obnoxious puts him to sleep)
*when Mommy sings "Jesus Loves Me" even though she has an awful voice!
*LOVES to eat

*changing his clothes
*changing his diaper
*his crib (why oh why do we even have a nursery?)
*silence (he will wake up from a dead sleep if it gets to quiet)

--------Okay I have been working on this post for 3 days now--I am just going to post it before he is 3 weeks old!! I am not doing any proofing so please forgive me!----------

Some new pictures of the little man! Oh and as of Tuesday he was weighing in at 7 pounds 1 ounce.

Good Morning!What this isn't a bed for me?Daddy is silly!

That is all for now! I will try and be better at keeping up with the blog!